IT Webinar Marketplace

About us
Zalamanda is the leading online marketplace platform for IT Webinars and was founded in 2020 in Germany by M10 ITX(Oliver Becker) online marketplace platform.
The goal of the marketplace is to offer users day by new educational and networking opportunities within the IT industry Zalamanda in Germany
All webinars are offered exclusively by professional IT experts.
The marketplace is free of charge for both the webinar provider and the webinar user.
Zalamanda is the leading online marketplace platform for IT Webinars. The webinars are offered exclusively by professional IT experts. Our goal is to offer users day by day new networking and educational opportunities within IT industry IT Webinars in Germany.
Zalamanda is one of the best IT marketplace platforms. We offer exclusively professional IT experts.The IT marketplace is free of charge for both the webinar provider and the webinar user. Webinar categories - advertising, disaster recovery, e-learning, encryption, gdpr, hacking, iot, it analytics, it backup, it bpm it cloud all about cloud and cloud security IT Webinar Marketplace.
Pricing license feature- The PRO license enables you to use the featured function.Insert entire events details into submission form.Publish event submission via submit event button We offer Online Submit Webinar. Our goal is to offer users day by day new networking and educational opportunities within IT industry.Best Online IT Marketplace Platform Professional IT experts.
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