california security companies

Armed & Unarmed
What are the differences between armed and unared Guards
Armed carries a gun or weapon of some type. The legal requirements for an armed guard is lot more stringent than for a non armed guard. See info below.
*Important note - A security officer only needs to renew his firearms permit every two years. A police officer needs to do it every six months.
*Security officers outnumber police 3 to 1 in the U.S.
*Security officers are always the first responders to an incident
So what are the main underlining differences?
  1. Be a U.S. citizen or have permanent legal alien status.
  2. Pass a 14 hour training course in the carrying and use of firearms.
  3. Submit a firearm permit application, pay the €73.92 application fee, and submit a Security Guard Registration w/Firearm Permit Live Scan form signed by the Live Scan site operator. A €35.11 Firearm Eligibility application, €29.57 DOJ fingerprint processing fee and €17.56 FBI fingerprint processing fee must be paid at the Live Scan site.
The firearm training course is 8 hours of classroom training, and 6 hours on the firing range.
The training course covers the following subjects:
  • Moral and Legal Aspects
  • Firearms Terminology
  • Weapon Handling and Shooting Fundamentals
  • Emergency Procedures
  • Range Training
The course must be given by a Bureau-certified firearms training instructor at a Bureau-certified training facility, and you will complete a written and range exam at the end of the course.
Please note that you are allowed to apply for guard registration and a firearm permit at the same time, for a total fee of €202.36.
You may not carry a gun on duty without having been issued a firearm permit by the Bureau. Also, a firearm permit issued by the Bureau does not authorize you to carry a concealed weapon. You may not carry a concealed weapon on duty without a Concealed Weapons Permit
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